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抗滑桩是大型交通基础设施中稳定边坡和治理滑坡的主要手段之一,嵌固段桩前被动土拱效应是影响抗滑桩水平承载力的重要因素,被动土拱的形成演化过程是抗滑桩水平抗力调整的关键。通过几何缩尺比例为1∶15的抗滑桩物理模型试验,对桩前被动土拱的形成演化过程进行了探究。根据抗滑桩桩前被动土拱和模型试验系统的对称性,自主设计土压力传感器的布设方案,以保证在试验过程中对桩前土体各测点的xy方向土压力分布规律进行实时采集;采用千斤顶对模型桩施加水平荷载,对加载过程中抗滑桩嵌固段桩身弯矩、桩前土压力及桩前土体应力变化规律进行了分析。绘制桩前土体应力云图并对桩前被动土拱拱轴线进行了拟合,同时采用数值模拟方法进行对照分析,以揭示桩前被动土拱的演化过程。结果表明:①桩身弯矩和桩前接触土压力均在嵌固点下4倍桩宽处附近出现极大值,后随埋深逐渐减小;②桩前被动土拱是由相邻桩对桩前土体的相互作用使主应力发生偏转而逐步形成的,其演化过程可分为初步形成阶段、承载阶段和破坏阶段;③桩前被动土拱拱轴线呈抛物线形式,随埋深逐渐增大形成被动土拱所需桩顶位移随之增大;④同一埋深处桩前被动土拱矢跨比随桩顶位移增加而逐渐变大,在承载阶段土拱矢跨比随埋深逐步减小。  相似文献   
EPB是实现车辆自动驻车、释放等功能的部件。其作用是防止车辆在平路或者坡道上溜车。相对普通手驻车制动更加智能、高效。左右EPB卡钳电机分别执行驻车、释放等功能,其结构复杂,同时驻车、释放等功能由软件控制,其涉及驻车释放的一致性等问题。本文以某车型投放市场初期产生的释放时间偏长问题,通过对软件和结构硬件进行了深入研究,分析出卡钳密封圈尺寸超设计以及软件的释放时阈值的设置不合理是导致上述问题的根本原理。通过风险评估、技术改进等步骤,彻底解决了该问题,为后续产品开发提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   
断路器普遍采用脉冲脱扣器实现保护的快速性。本文分析了SCR、IGBT和POWERMOSFET组成的低端开关电路的特点,并对三种脉冲脱扣器低端开关电路进行了仿真。仿真结果说明采用POWER MOSFET并联低端开关电路可快速安全可靠的控制脉冲脱扣器的通断,实现脉冲脱扣器的快速输出。  相似文献   
排水是碎石桩重要的抗液化功能之一,但我国工程界的排水抗液化运用较少,理论研究及工程经验不足。回顾了排水抗液化理论的发展历史,总结不同学者的排水抗液化理论的关键要点,指出井阻是排水抗液化法必须考虑的不利因素。某强震区港口工程成功运用排水法碎石桩解决了液化难题。详细介绍该工程的碎石桩设计方案及计算方法,总结桩体材料粒径级配的确定方法,对比不同成桩工艺的优缺点,并对排水抗液化碎石桩的质量检测方法提出建议。  相似文献   
Seabed in regions, such as the Gulf of Guinea and North West Shelf of Australia, may exhibit a crust layer where the undrained shear strength can be an order of magnitude higher than that of the immediately underlying sediment. This can complicate design of steel catenary risers, where fatigue depends on the cyclic vertical stiffness of the pipe-soil interaction. Potential punch-through of the riser into the underlying soft soil may invalidate design assumptions based on the pipe-soil stiffness within the crust layer. The long-term evolution of pipe-soil stiffness within the crust layer, which exhibits similar properties to an over-consolidated soil, is also poorly understood. This paper describes centrifuge model tests undertaken in a clay sample with a crust layer, simulating the punch-through process of a pipe under load control and investigating the pipe-soil stiffness during long-term cyclic loading tests under displacement control. Results confirm that the potential for punching-through the crust layer depends strongly on the relative ratio of pipe diameter to crust layer thickness. The long-term evolution of pipe-soil stiffness showed a steady increase after an initial remoulding stage in contractile soils (normally consolidated and lightly over-consolidated), but a steady reduction in the heavily over-consolidated, more dilatant, crust. The magnitude of pipe-soil stiffness changes (during both remoulding and reconsolidation) is governed by the over-consolidation ratio of the soil and the amplitude of the cyclic displacements. This study provides insights on the relevant cyclic stiffness to consider when assessing SCR fatigue life in over-consolidated soils and soils exhibiting a superficial crust layer.  相似文献   
针对通州沙西水道存在的诸多问题,2011—2016年间通州沙西水道实施了大规模的河道整治工程,为通州沙汊道形成稳定的双分汊河型创造了有利条件。根据近年来实测水文、地形资料,从通州沙西水道分流比、通州沙沙体、河道的冲淤、河道尺度等方面,分析通州沙西水道河道演变出现的新变化以及整治工程效果。结果表明:通州沙沙体基本稳定,西水道分流比增加2. 4%,-5 m河槽全线贯通,四干河以下-10 m河槽基本贯通,达到工程预期效果。  相似文献   
通过对磨试验研究接触应力相同时贝氏体钢轨的磨损率、表面粗糙度、硬度,并结合扫描电镜观测到的磨损表面和剖面的形貌特征,分析不同滑差条件下贝氏体钢轨的磨损行为特征和变化规律.结果表明:接触应力为500 MPa条件下,贝氏体钢轨磨损率随滑差的增大而显著增大,滑差由2%增大到10%时磨损率增大了8倍;小滑差条件下的贝氏体钢轨表面较光滑,有少量疲劳裂纹,以滚动接触疲劳磨损为主;大滑差条件下表面粗糙,有疲劳裂纹、剥落坑和表面划擦痕迹,更接近滑动磨损;增大滑差可导致磨损表面加工硬化率偏大;增大滑差对贝氏体钢轨表面的滚动接触疲劳裂纹在深度方向的扩展几乎无影响,且对塑性变形层厚度影响不明显;大滑差可引发亚表面次表层裂纹.  相似文献   
在石料缺乏地区港口建设中,堆场基层采用常规稳定类粒料,对石料需求量比较大,导致建设成本很高。为充分利用当地资源、节约投资费用,进行水泥砂应用于堆场基层的研究。基于法国标准,采用符合要求的沉积砂或经冲击作用而分解的花岗岩质砂为原材料,以CBR值作为水泥砂主要设计控制指标和强度标准,采用路拌机现场拌和施工,并通过试验段完成各项指标的检测和验证。结果表明,在资源条件受限地区可以选择水泥砂作为港口堆场的基层材料,可有效解决工程所在地石料匮乏问题。  相似文献   
In this paper, the procedure for flaw acceptability assessment is examined through a case study of a semi-elliptical surface crack in an offshore monopile as it grows till it forms a through thickness crack. Using the procedure prescribed in an industrial standard (BS 7910), the fracture ratio, Kr is shown to increase monotonically with increasing crack depth. The load ratio, Lr, is initially insensitive to the crack depth. However, there is a rapid increase in Lr when the crack depth to thickness ratio exceeds 80%. Lr values obtained from detailed 3D FE limit analysis using elastic-perfectly-plastic material behaviour do not exhibit the asymptotic behaviour predicted by BS 7910 as the flaw transitions from deep crack to through-thickness crack. Furthermore, Kr predicted by BS 7910 is shown to be an over-estimation for the typical dimensions of offshore monopiles. The findings suggest that a structure with a deep flaw may be identified as unacceptable based on BS 7910 when it may still possess a non-trivial amount of structural residual life. This is a concern for monopiles where crack growth as a large flaw forms a significant part of the total life.  相似文献   
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